maybe your question
has been asked before
For more hints and tips visit the free ABC User Forum.
It has been re-arranged but everything is still there. The SHOP now has separate pages for each product. For downloads (updates) go to SUPPORT > MEMBERS LOG IN.
ABC Software requires Windows. Any desktop PC, laptop or surface running Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 or 11 is suitable. ABC does not run on Apple MACs or smartphones.
No, ABC stores your records on your own computer. (you can backup to the Cloud if you wish).
You click the desktop icon but ABC6 will not run. This probably caused by part of ABC6 already being in the computer memory so Windows does not load the program again. (this should not happen but occasionally it does). To fix this, call up the Task Manager (CTRL - ALT - DEL) and look for ABC in the list of Processes or Applications -- if it is there, highlight the line and select END PROCESS. (or alternatively restart the computer).
Usually caused by one or more of the ABC program files having been removed. You might even see the message "Cannot find ABC programs".
This is often due to your anti-virus or security software suddenly deciding that file is a threat and quarantining it. (eg. Windows Defender is built into Windows 10 and gets updated about once a day with new virus definitions -- sometimes it makes a mistake). Open your security software to fix this (eg. see below).
Also, going to our website and manually downloading the latest update will normally fix all such problems.
Restore ABC files quarantined by Windows 10 Defender
Tell Defender not to scan ABC files
ABC allows several functions (or workstations in a multiuser version) to view a Customer Record at the same time, but only one is allowed to INVOICE that customer at a time. To indicate to ABC that a customer is currently being invoiced, ABC puts a marker on the Record Card of that Customer record (to "lock" it). When the invoice is completed, ABC removes the marker.
If you have a problem, eg power goes off or computer crashes while customer is being invoiced, the marker can be left in the record -- and will prevent you from invoicing that Customer in future; giving you the message that this "Customer is Locked".
The solution is simply to edit that Customer Record, and untick the "Locked" box.
Make sure there really is nobody else invoicing them before you do this.
Typically this is due to the DATE of the item. eg if you enter some Money Received in June, but your Accounting Month is May, then when you print reports for the current Month (May) those June items will not be included. As soon as you run the Month End routine, those items will then appear again.
To check if this is the case, most reports include an option to Print ALL items (ie. print everything in the file, irrespective of the date), or Show Future Items.
This should have no immediate effect on your business. For full details see our Disaster Recovery page.