ABC makes accounts look easy

Since 1985 our programs have helped run thousands of small businesses Examples

Paperwork is confusing

picture suggesting ABC software can guide you through accounts/bookkeeping

ABC can guide you

Our accounts software has evolved over the past 30 years to be easy to use and flexible enough for any type of small business. If you'd rather concentrate on running your business than struggle with accounts, try ABC free trial.

Ideal for any new business.

Everyone can use ABC

We have worked hard to make ABC simple and intuitive to use, with no accountancy jargon in sight. Most people who bought ABC were very small businesses, maybe one person working from home. Some have grown over the years to become large companies still using ABC.

plain background image for pictures of ABC accounts users

Accountants please note that ABC is a full featured double-entry accounting system, approved by HMRC for MTD VAT Returns and Payroll RTI.


Website updated:

Current versions:
 Accounts: v6744
 Payroll: 2023/24 - v7
 Payroll: 2024/25 v15


Payroll Updates.


New updater.





Sales invoices Stock control CashBook View, Print or Email Balance Sheet Purchase invoices VAT Return Bank reconciliation Audit trail Aged debtors, Statements Report designer, labels Backup and Snapshot functions And much more...

profile of the products...

ABC Accounts and Payroll are apps that run under Windows on a Desktop, laptop or tablet PC. Data is stored on your device (not the cloud). There is no annual license fee, but we recommend you pay for occasional updates.